Jenna Fleming, BA, MSW, RSW - Social Work Associate

Jenna Fleming, MSW, RSW, is a dedicated and empathetic Registered Social Worker, affiliated with Eden Dales Social Work. With a Master of Social Work degree from Wilfrid Laurier University and an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Criminology from The University of Western Ontario, Jenna brings a strong educational foundation to her practice. Her expertise includes anti-oppressive and trauma-informed practices, ensuring a client-centered, inclusive, and non-judgmental approach in her support. Jenna has specialized training in child and adolescent psychology, early childhood development, mental health, and acquired and traumatic brain injury.

Jenna's lived experience with anxiety and depression allows her to build rapport and relatability with clients, making her warm, professional, and engaged in active listening. Utilizing a client-centered approach, she involves clients in all aspects of support planning and employs a strengths-based perspective, empowering individuals and increasing feelings of self-worth. Jenna's attention to detail and awareness of time-sensitive support and documentation further contribute to her strength and value as a social worker at EDSW. Living in downtown Toronto, Jenna provides both in-person and virtual social work services, offering support in English.